Who is this Hindu Goddess? We have had some difficulty identifying who this Goddess is. We are looking for help in identifying her. She holds a noose in her left hand, a parot in her front right hand and an axe in her rear right hand. Her front left hand is in a downward facing abhaya mudra.
Please make a post to tell us who this is.
Thank you,
Hi, she is carrying an axe. I am not sure. She might be Durga.
She is Meenakshi Amman - she carries a parrot - she is Siva's consort.
Famous templein Madurai - India that is called Maduari Meenakshi Ammal Koil.
Best regards,
I believe this is an artist rendition not a vedic or agamic goddess. Meenakshi Amman does have a parrot (that is said to be agastya muni) in her right hand, however she is only dvibhujam (two handed), Visalakshi is chaturbhuja (four handed) weilding paasam (rope) and angusam (club axe), displaying abhaya and varada mudras.
I would ask Dr. Douglas Brooks. I think he would be the best resource on this. dbrk@frontiernet.net
Hi Kyle,
This goddess should be "Kanyka Parameswari", but parrot should be in her left hand, not in the right hand, but if we see "Meenakshi Amman", the parrot is in the right hand, cant say at this particular point.
i think she is laxmi with shankha in his one hand. for more details you can visit www.totalbhakti.com
I would go with Bala. She is Meenakshi Amman - Shiva's consort. Also axe in her hand is more supportive of Goddess Parvathi who had taken many fiersome avatars to protect from Asuras rather than Goddess Lakshmi who has a milder nature.
Easily I to but I think the collection should have more info then it has.
Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
learned a lot
So nice sculpture it is. I like to see this kind of collection in scupture models.
dean graziosi
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Hi. can you help me identify a statue of a hindu goddess that I received as a gift. It has two arms, in the left one something similar to a harp or an arc. In the right hand, she has a candle.
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